What can I do to support sustainability during reunion weekend?
Use sustainable transportation
- Carpool with a Pard: Find a fellow alum coming from the same area and reduce travel related emissions by carpooling.
- Use public transportation:
- If you’re not traveling far, consider taking a bus to campus through the bus station in Easton (123 South Third Street).
- While on campus, take the campus shuttle to get to and from Metzgar Fields and the Arts Campus downtown.
Pack Green and Maroon
- Bring and use a reusable water bottle during your time on campus. There are over 60 water bottle refill stations in academic buildings and residence halls to fill up on water throughout your visit. Also consider bringing your own reusable utensils and bags to store any goodies you get throughout the weekend!
- Bring your gently used Lafayette gear to donate to current Pards through the campus thrift store. Drop off your gear at the Sustainability Office (Rockwell Integrated Sciences Center Room 203) or at the Sustainability Table on the Quad during lunch on June 3 from 12-2 p.m.
Check up on all things new in Sustainability
- Take a student-guided or self guided sustainability tour during your visit. Register in advance through the Reunion website (link will be available shortly) or stop by the sustainability table after lunch on June 3 to join in-person.
- Visit LaFarm and see all of the progress in the last few years, including the new greenhouse! Stop by 3118 Sullivan Trail, Easton, PA 18040 to explore on your own a schedule a tour with Food and Farm Manager, Josh Parr (parrj@lafayette.edu).